It's one of those months where you find yourself spending more money than usual or than you want to. Most of it is wedding related, so at least I know it's temporary (only 86 days to go!!). But it's still annoying. Fortunately we are both big planners when it comes to money and are both fairly conservative with our money, so it always works out.
I crossed a couple of things off my wedding to-do list today. One was the rehearsal dinner, which I found out last night has been booked. Yippee!! The dinner is going to be at Portofino, an Italian restaurant near our church. My (almost) in-laws know the owner, so it should be a good time. And they have yummy food (if I'm able to eat anything the night before the wedding).
The other thing was silly. I've had on my personal wedding list to get pens for the guestbook and wedding advice cork board. Today at Target I accomplished that. It seems trivial, but the kind of pen you use is actually sort of important. Our guestbook is one of those photo books you can get from Shutterfly or Mixbook (where we got ours). This means that the pages are that sort of shiny stuff that regular ball point pens don't work on. So, I got fine point sharpies in fun colors.
Fun colors and the ink won't bleed! |
Since there's 5 of them, there's no need to worry when one gets lost. Our guestbook will start at the church and then my buddy Katlin is going to take it from there to The Summit House. It will then join our homemade wine cork bulletin board that we're going to have for guest to pin marriage advice cards to. We'll have pens galore! :-D
I looked for cute thumb tacks too, but didn't see anything. These are the little things I need to get my butt in gear on. Spring break is half over already and I still have lots to do. And Mindy's wedding is in 24 days! Eeek!