Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 years

Today/tomorrow is our 4 year anniversary.  The reason it spans two days is that we went to dinner on March 28, 2008 but Mat didn't officially ask me to be his girlfriend until after midnight on March 29th.  Being the OCD person that I am, I wanted to have our anniversary be the true date, so the 29th.

To celebrate, we went to The Cheesecake Factory tonight, just like we did on this date 4 years ago.  We went to a different location, but that's ok.  :)

We also couldn't go out tomorrow night if we wanted to because I have Open House at school.  I'll be at school for at least 13 hours.  Teach all day, help with the musical rehearsal til about 5, then Open House 6-8.  Steph is going to visit because she wants to see where I work, and she's bringing Starbucks.  That makes the long day totally worth it.  :)  And, to make it better, Mat is making me a yummy anniversary dinner for when I get home.

The only bad thing about this week is I'm not making it to ballet.  At least next week is spring break so I can go a couple times to make up for it.

92 days!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same OCD way with Todd & my anniversary. It was technically the 26th, it was like 3 am. haha

    I'm so excited for you! Congratulations on the blessing that is your relationship with Mat!
